behind closed doors

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A square peg in a round hole

Guest blog by Claire Parkinson - Principal at Opportunity Knocks

I strongly doubt I’m Australia’s most famous ‘pigeon’ person – even the sport of cricket, with the inimitable Bill Lawry and the legendary Glenn McGrath, easily trumps me!

But whereas Bill’s is all about the racing variety – I seem to recall one of his many, perhaps even his most famous and favourite, is a bird named Wendy – and Glenn gets the moniker ‘Pigeon’ from a teammate who, on first viewing his spindly, lily-white legs, suggested he’d stolen them from a pigeon; mine is solely to do with pigeon-holing.

Particularly professional and career pigeon-holing which, I believe, is one of the most stifling to creativity, innovation and corporate excellence.

In a few short words, the handbrake to growth, for all concerned.

During my professional career across a variety of roles, over a good few decades and in numerous countries (not quite a baby boomer – but pretty close), I’ve seen it – and its destructive impact – far too often.

I’m delighted, though, to be witnessing something of a renaissance in corporate thinking and can gladly say that a growing number of organisations I work with are warming to the concept of “hiring talent and finding a job to accommodate that talent” rather than doggedly towing the “hiring to fit into that neat little pigeon-hole” line.

Think about it…

A job with four walls and four corners leaves little room for exploration, for creativity to flourish and talent to prosper. It’s a time-honoured recipe for more of the same, protecting and defending the status quo.

That’s not to say positions don’t need direction. They do. But demanding the “ideal fit” before taking someone on is, in my view, short-sighted.

If you are in the fabulous position as an employer and find talent, grab it with both hands and invest in it. Take it in, nurture it, allow it to find its place, watch it take off and soar, just like Bill’s best pigeon.

If you are looking for your professional happy-ever-after, back yourself, your bloody good right? Don’t give up on the workplace nirvana that celebrates you being the best version of yourself. Those employers ARE there, you must keep looking!

Written by Claire Parkinson - Principal at Opportunity Knocks