behind closed doors

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Member Spotlight - Jill Roche

Jill Roche
Chief Operating Officer - Brave Foundation
BCD Executive Over Dinner Group Member, Melbourne

What motivated you to apply for a scholarship to join behind closed doors?

Having authentic, unfiltered, conversations about the challenges and opportunities that come with leadership progression is one of the most powerful ways in which to develop yourself, but those opportunities can be hard to find and infrequent in your own workplace. behind closed doors (BCD) offers an opportunity to share experiences in a supportive, non-judgemental, non-competitive environment for the benefit of all members. The BCD scholarship offers leaders in the Not for Profit sector a wonderful way to access a high quality program where you can learn and share with others outside your existing network.

Tell us about your first session, what did you take out of it?

There were two things that struck me. The first was that I have already experienced a lot in my career and there is value in sharing what I have learned AND secondly that there is a lot I am yet to experience, and there is great value in me listening to others.

What is the number one thing you have learnt/gained from being a part of the behind closed doors community?

The BCD setting allows members to be very transparent and I was just as inspired learning from peoples attempts, as I was from hearing about their wins. There is also a great sense of comradery among members and genuine desire to lift each member to be the best that they can be.  I have appreciated the encouragement, particularly from Donny, to not be limited in my thinking and to have confidence in my ability and to stretch myself beyond what I might think I am capable of.

Since I first started with BCD I have progressed to a role that I hadn’t previously imagined for myself, I became a Non-Executive Director on one Board, and the Chair of another.

Why would you recommend joining behind closed doors?

As a member of BCD you gain a group of supporters who are champions for you and you gain access to stimulating speakers who can really nourish areas of your development that you might not have even realised you were waiting to hear from.

- Jill Roche, September 2020