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Money lessons gifted from mother to daughter

Guest blog by Karen Eley - Women Talking Finance.

“There’s a reason some people think they can achieve anything. They listened to their mother.”

Mother’s Day. It’s a day to pause and truly  acknowledge our mums. It’s a time to reflect on the sacrifices they have made  for us. It’s a time to say thank you for all they have done. And it’s a celebration of who they are, and their impact on our lives.

How your mum has shaped your financial behaviours.

Did you know that our childhood experiences  influence our money habits and behaviours – even now? Yep, the emotions,  feelings, conversations and experiences you had in your formative years have undoubtedly affected the way you perceive and manage your money. We call this  your money story.

The fact is, each one of us has internalised many of  our parents’ attitudes, traits and behaviours when it comes to money (some resourceful, some not!) – and these lessons are often deep-seated.

So, have a think about your own childhood…how has your mum influenced your money habits and relationship with money? Did she proactively pass down any money advice or did you learn from observation? Did you see her manage money well or avoid money? Was she a saver (and investor) or a spender? How did your mum talk about money?

Four leaders. Four mums supporting them. Their gems of wisdom.

So, in celebration of our mum’s, we’ve asked four incredible female leaders to share their money lessons, advice, tips and  tricks that they’ve learnt from their mums. The wisdom abounds!

Now it’s your turn!

What gems of wisdom has your mum passed down, and how has this impacted your financial success?

Got something? Why not tell your mum how she has impacted your life for the better. It will make her day!