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Susi Tegen
Susi Tegen is an immigrant to Australia, valuing Australia's security, freedom of thought and services. Susi has lived and worked in, as well as advocated for, rural Australia for most of her working life, while living in rural SA, NT, NSW and Victoria.
Until recently, she was a partner of a sheep meat, wool, cattle trading and grain property in the Limestone Coast, where she lived for 30 years.
She has been a CE in the field of health and medicine, and agriculture for 20+ years.
Susi is currently the Chief Executive of the National Rural Health Alliance.
Susi has has held leadership roles including: Chief Executive / Company Secretary Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA); Chief Executive / Company Secretary, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO); Managing Director, FREE Eyre Ltd (Primary Industry, grain trading, innovation); Chief Executive/ Company Secretary, Limestone Coast Division of General Practice (LCDGP); as well as working in the education, vocational education, industry and primary indistries sectors
She is the Hon. Austrian Consul for SA NT, and has a portfolio career as Non-Executive Director, member of various Government and Medical and health related boards and committees, as an advocate for rural and remote communities, population access to health services, mentor to executives, young motivated individuals and medical students.
She is currently a Federal Council, Finance Audit and Risk Committee and Nominations Committee Member of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), Member Community Observers Working Committee (COWC); National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)Independent External Committee member; International Medical Graduate training committee, and IMG interview panel member; Rural committee, Royal Australian College of Surgeons (RACS) International Medical Graduate (IMG) Committee and Interview Panel member, Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Federal Training Council member and interview panel; Orthopaedic Association of Australia. She has been on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality Healthcare standard-setting committees for Digital Mental Health and IPV .
Consultancies include Board facilitation, Strategy Planning, working with PHNs, Health entities, The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF), Behind Closed Doors (BCD) Executive Women facilitation and mentoring, TAFE, Klett Verlag and Goethe Institut (Germany).
She has held various non executive roles including:
Board Director, APACMed MedTech (AsiaPac – Singapore)
Board Director of Australian Grain Growers, Deputy Chair, Global Medical Technology Association (Singapore)
Board Director and Finance, audit, risk, nominations committees, Accreditation committee, Health First SA,
Deputy Chair, nominations and remuneration, and accreditation committees,
She has been on numerous Medicare, telehealth, mental health, disability and standard review committees. Her role on Sight for All International Medical Development agency working in the Asia Pacific as Deputy Chair as well as other development activities, allowed for partnerships and in country action and capacity building.
Susi led the Ophthalmology Workforce planning committee with Health Workforce Australia
Member, Ministerial Advisory MBS Reform committee
Member, Ministerial Advisory MBS TeleMed committees
As Board Director and Finance, audit and risk, Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
Board Director, FARM Committee , Ministerial Appointment, SA Sheep Industry Development Board
Deputy Chair, FarmSafe
Deputy Chair, FarmBis SA
Member, Ministerial Advisory, SA Department of Primary Industries
Member, SA Farmer’s Federation policy committee – health, education, rural medical workforce, telecommunications, transport, infrastructure and electricity
Member, Rural Health Ministerial Advisory SA allowed for capacity building and policy implementation to ensure access and equity for rural people.
She has been recognised for service and excellence via various awards including a Telstra Business Innovation Award, SA Great Awards, Australia Day Community Award and various scholarships.
She and her partner enjoy 7 children (and step children). In her spare time, she studies, gardens, enjoys travelling and learning, history, appreciating great wine, food from different countries around the world, and being challenged by people’s ideas and views. She enjoys a laugh and is incredibly inquisitive.